Reitsport Branche 05/ 2022
The interest in cooperation across sectors is reflected in the large number of topics for which working groups are formed. On the one hand, it is about the development of quality criteria, such as for safety equipment, feed in general and forage in particular, or various technical products. On the other hand, there are questions of sustainability of products and production processes, which are rapidly gaining in importance in view of tightening EU regulations. The growing demands of consumers for animal welfare are also to be taken into account with a working group. For all members, one of the most important question is how the industry can contribute to a positive perception of the equestrian sport among the general public and how Europe can maintain its position as a role model in the equestrian world. The common tenor is clear: jointly we want to and can achieve more and we will tackle it with commitment!
Interesting market insights were provided by an excerpt from the latest publications of the Sports Satellite Account (SSK) of
the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Federal Institute for Sport Science (BISp): While consumer spending on all recreational sports in Germany fell by 22% during the Corona pandemic, the total spending of the approximately 3% of Germans who practice equestrian sports remained almost unchanged. Nevertheless, there were shifts in the type of expenditure. In no other sport did spending on training and courses collapse as much as in our sector, namely by 91%! At the same time, a survey among EEBA members shows that about two thirds were able to expand their business success – in some cases significantly – during the two pandemic years.
The first date for a personal exchange was EQUITANA. There, the EEBA had presents itself publicly for the first time with its own stand. It was a meeting point for members and interested parties alike. More on this in the next issue!
the industry network as well as the great need for a joint Euro-